Nepali women awarded Grinnel Prize

A Nepali woman based in New York has been awarded with Grinnell Prize.

Luna Ranjit, the cofounder and executive director of Adhikaar, an organisation working for social justice movement for Nepali-speaking community has won the $100,000 Grinnell College Innovator for Social Justice Prize. Ranjit will receive half of the total cash prize while the other half will go to her organisation.

Ranjit founded Adhikaar in 2005 to promote human rights and effective social justice work in Nepali-speaking communities in New York City and the United States. Adhikaar works address the needs of the growing Nepali immigrant communities through community-based participatory action research.

Ranjit graduated from Grinnell with her bachelor of arts in economics and global development studies in 2000. Grinnell Prize is presented by Grinnel College recognizing achievements in social justice.

The prize is scheduled to be awarded in October.


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